Are you wishing you could get a massage to ease some of the tension in your muscles and help manage the stress in your body? Now, more than ever is THE time to take care of your body with practices like daily movement, meditation, and self-massage. Join me for a 90-minute workshop about how to use Yoga Therapy Balls at home for myofascial release of sore, tight muscles by helping to hydrate your tissues, stimulate lymph and strengthen your immune system - because they’re all related! This workshop will also cover basic biomechanics and better ergonomics for your at-home work station.
REQUIRED*: Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls, please order ASAP to ensure delivery by 4/24
*I will also have a limited supply of therapy balls available for pick up from Palo Alto.
Recommended: Two yoga blocks
Cost: Sliding scale $21-$30.